Feet landed. I’m sharing a studio with potters and painters - having met some terrific individuals and found a wonderful group of artists in Albi. It’s great when I’m here alone doing my thing, but also super when they come one by one or in a mass – time to talk French – or try to, in my case, and share what we are all doing. Challenging, it is, but I feel incredibly fortunate to be welcomed and walking this path. And I’ve walked too, in many an old town (for they come aged and rich here) and visited a plethora of contemporary and old galleries. To share with you a wonder that has embedded in my being, is the body of work of the contemporary French artist Pierre Soulages. One of my new generous French artist friends, Nicole took me on an adventure to the Musee Soulages Rodez. And of course, no French outing is complete without some French cuisine. So we started with ingestion at Café Bras with a MiWam, a culinary invention of Sébastien Bras https://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.cafebras.fr/&prev=search Right now Musee Soulages has a Calder exhibition – so superb – a whole room of shadows and movement colour and wonder. And then there was the rest of the Museum, http://musee-soulages.rodezagglo.fr/oeuvre/brou-de-noix-65x50cm-1948-papier-maroufle-sur-toile/ devoted to Soulages – and his celebration of light and gift of Outrenoir. Simple and magnificent, his work is of light reflecting off black. As with so much art an image of a little just doesn’t do justice. Don’t baulk, if you ever get a chance to experience with your whole being, a Soulages exhibition.
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AuthorNic Mason Archives
April 2023
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