Text - Media
Selected media articles and text ...
WAYOUT, a Cementa Initiative January 2023 |
Lucy Smith, WAYOUT, a Cementa Initiative
" ... On the other hand, Nic Mason has maintained her cosy and cheerful style with a series of paintings of objects as they’re found on her studio floor. A painting of a painting, a knocked over jar with flowers, some moth bits, her son’s origami. Her feet and apron make it into half of the series, reminding me of all of the time I’ve spent looking at my feet for inspiration. It is reaffirming to see that through her lockdown experience and despite her anticlimactic first year as a qualified artist, her style and humour rise up to defend her world against its absurdity ..." https://cementa.com.au/blog/2023-01-24-grey-foundations |
Artist Profile (online) May 2022 |
Artist Profile
" ... Using painting as her vehicle, Mason thinks through they ways that we can live with the land, shaped by it as much as we are compelled to care for it. At once personal and philosophical, gently gendered and totally disruptive of any binary mode of thinking, these works knowingly upend genre conventions in playful, imaginative, and expansive ways, drawing on a knowledge of the natural world from within and without the Western history of painting ..." https://artistprofile.com.au/nicola-mason/ |
Art Almanac (online) 2 May 2022 |
Art Almanac
Select Exhibitions "During lockdown, Bathurst-based artist Nicola Mason found inspiration in the vintage appliances and children’s toys that occupy the interior of her home, as well as from her interactions with the natural world, which has resulted in a series of emotive still life paintings ..." source: https://www.art-almanac.com.au/nicola-mason-cycle/ |
Discover Central West May - June 2022 |
Discover Central West Magazine
Local artists, local landscapes "Mason references memento mori symbolism, utilising painting as a vehicle for thinking about living with the land. Her thoughts on nature and culture coalesce on the canvas, enacting contemporary storytelling within her works. Here she challenges the still life genre, where subjects are traditionally presented as binary, instead blurring the boundaries between the natural world and the man-made." |
Art Guide Australia April 2022 |
Art Guide Australia
"... In her domestic setting nostalgic household appliances, loved kids' toys, and finds from her daily walks with her four-legged friends all make appearances in the theatre of her still-life works ..." https://artguide.com.au/exhibition/nicola-mason-cycle/ |
Sydney Morning Herald + John McDonald, blog 6 June 2021 |
John McDonald, Salon des Refusés 2021
"... Finally, this year’s award for best title goes to Nic Mason for Questioning landscape with a pouffe. Before you ring the S.H.Ervin in indignation please check the spelling." Source: www.johnmcdonald.net.au/2021/salon-des-refuses-2021/ |