Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies (ACICIS)
Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum (CADPP), Indonesia, 2020 The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum, 2020 was held for six weeks from early January in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This practicum involved an academic program hosted by Universitas Sanata Dharma including intensive Bahasa Indonesian sessions, seminars and field trips preceding a professional internship placement.
Nic was mentored by Nia Fliam, Agus Ismoyo and with Desmond W. S. Anabrang at her professional internship / residency at the not-for-profit Babaran Segaragunung Culture House (BSG), Yogyakarta. Here her daily drawing practice interweaved with the rich cross cultural internship experiences of this time. |
From Nic's blog
"... I am being influenced by this place, its people and stories.
My charcoal sketches metamorphose from their plein air stance to incorporating shadow play ..."
"... I am being influenced by this place, its people and stories.
My charcoal sketches metamorphose from their plein air stance to incorporating shadow play ..."
Daily drawing at Babaran Segaragunung Culture House
Nic Mason, Breathing furniture, Charcoal and watercolour on paper, 10 pieces each 13 x 19 cm (total installation of work 29 x 107 cm)
Some of the rhythms at Babaran Segaragunung Culture House
Jogja and beyond